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Healthy Eating Week at SMBS

This week students and staff at SMBS took part in a series of events for Healthy Eating Week and boosted their knowledge of living and eating healthily.

We started the week by having Hydration Stations set up on each floor throughout the school, Harry in Year 7 said that he loved it and told me, “it’s a good idea because it’s healthy”. Year 11 pupils have asked for the Hydration Station to stay as they loved the idea.

Our focus was on fruit and vegetables next and it was an opportunity to test pupils' knowledge of different fruits and vegetables and learn more about them.

On Tuesday we learnt about the importance of fibre and we set up Snack Stations where pupils could choose some of the ingredients available to create a healthy fibre-filled snack.

On Wednesday we looked at a variety of different protein foods and pupils took part in different activities to understand why we need protein and what foods have the highest amount of protein in them.

On Thursday we looked at food waste and discussed ways we can use food wisely to stop so much food going to waste.

Finally, on Friday we finished the week by looking at recycling signs and learnt how to identify which food and drinks packaging can be recycled.  

It was an amazing week of fun and learning opportunities enjoyed by all.

Remember to focus on your fibre intake, eat at least 5 A DAY, try different sources of protein, stay hydrated and reduce your food waste!

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