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Key Stage 4 destinations

Below you can find details of the onward destinations of our 2024 leavers. 


In July 2024 we had 8 leavers. The table below outlines their destinations.

Destination Type of setting Number of Pupils Course(s)

College of North West London

Mainstream FE College 1 Carpentry (Level 1 Diploma)

Westminster Kingsway College

Inclusive Learning at FE College 1 Vocational Taster (Entry Level)

St Charles Catholic Sixth Form

Mainstream Sixth Form 3

Vocational Studies: ICT/Business (BTEC Level 1)

Sport (BTEC Level 2)

West London College (Hammersmith)

Inclusive Learning at FE College 1 Vocational Pathways (Entry level)

West London College (Southall Campus)

Inclusive Learning at FE College 1 Construction (Entry Level)

Ek Outreach

Specialist SEND Tuition Service 1 Art, Animal Care and Sport (GCSE/ BTEC)

Herries Street, London, W10 4LE

020 3693 4752