SEND Information Report
You can find the Westminster Local offer here.
School based information |
People |
Summary of responsibilities |
Who are the best people to talk to in this school about my child’s needs? How can I talk to them about my child if I need to? |
Form Tutor Subject teachers Speech and language therapists |
He/ She is responsible for:
Contact through school office |
Senior Leadership Team |
They are responsible for:
Contact through school office |
Head of School |
They are responsible for:
Contact through school office |
Governing Body |
Members are responsible for:
Contact through the clerk to the governors: |
How will pupils at SMBS be supported throughout the school day? :
Pupils in school will receive support that is specific to their individual needs as specified in their EHCP/statement. This will be provided by school staff and in partnership with:
- Staff working form or on behalf of the pupil’s home Local Authority e.g. Occupational Therapists, SEN Key Workers, and Educational Psychologists etc.
Types of support provided |
What would this mean for your pupil? |
Who can get this kind of support? |
What are the different types of support available for pupils in this school? |
Class teacher input via quality first teaching in the classroom |
All pupils in school have access to those strategies that best meet their needs |
Access |
Small class groups.
All pupils in school receive this. |
Specified support according to your child’s diagnosis and staff training: |
All pupils as appropriate |
How will we support pupils starting at school? |
How will we have a dialogue if there are concerns about your child? |
How is support allocated to classes? |
Who are the other people providing services to pupils with SEN in this school? |
A) Directly funded by the school |
B) Paid for centrally by the Local Authority but delivered in school |
How will we measure the progress of your child in school? And how will I know about this? |
What support do we have for you as a parent of a child at SMBS? |
How will we support your child when they are making significant transitions? |
We recognise that transitions can be a challenge for our pupils and we take steps to ensure that every transition is a smooth and as positive an experience as possible. Moving classes
Dual placements
Transition to a new school
Tri-Borough SEN service contact details
- SEN Service telephone number – 020 7361 3311
- Kay Stammers – 07540 100052
- Randika Doling – 07739 316280
- Chelsea Hayward - 07590 806076
- Holly Newman (Transport Coordinator) – 020 7361 3311
Individual Education Plan |
Special Educational Needs |
SEN Code of Practice 2014 |
The legal document that sets out the requirements for SEN |
Education, Health and Care Plan |
Special Educational Needs and or disabilities |
Speech and Language Therapy/Therapist |
Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service |
EP |
Educational Psychologist |
Special Educational Needs Coordinator |
Speech, Language and Communication Needs |
Autistic Spectrum Condition |
OT |
Occupational Therapist |
Speech and Language Therapy
The Speech and Language Therapy team are on site to promote effective and functional communication for pupils through;
- Universal
Offering training and advice on specific approaches.
Supporting all staff to make SMBS a communication friendly environment, maximising the communicative potential and opportunity for all students.
- Targeted
Support with curriculum planning and differentiation.
Support with communication targets setting for individual pupils.
Support with group planning and friends groups.
Providing advice, strategies and support to families.
- Specialised and Specific
Offering some direct therapy sessions to help pupils learn and use specific skills.
Offering multi-disciplinary assessment and strategies/advice for specific pupils.