Transition - Primary to Secondary
Primary to Secondary Transition
Moving to secondary school is a big change and we know it can be a nervous time for pupils and parents. We have a full transition program to help pupils feel settled and happy at their new school!
Before starting at SMBS
Primary visits
All our new pupils are visited in their primary school in the summer term of Year 6 by a member of staff from SMBS and a current pupil.
Transition Day
At the end of Year 6, all pupils are invited for a Transition Day here at SMBS. Parents are also invited for a Transition Meeting on this day. This provides an opportunity to find out more about what the school day looks like; the support which is in place and to meet some of the school staff.
Year 7
The first day
On the first day of term, Year 7s are the only pupils on site and spend the day getting to know the school and their new staff before the older pupils return.
Year 7 Information Afternoon
Parents are invited to the school for an information afternoon which usually takes place within the first two weeks of the new academic year. This is an opportunity to find out more about routines and policies and to meet the Head of KS3 and the Year 7 Form Tutors.
Pastoral Care and Support
Form Tutors
The first point of support for pupils is their Form Tutor who pupils will see for form time at the start and end of every day. Form Tutors keep regular contact with parents with twice termly phone calls home as a matter of routine.
Speech and Language Therapy
Every pupil has a designated Speech and Language Therapist they see weekly for Communication sessions and pupils can access additional tailored support from them as needed.
Wellbeing and Mental Health
The school has a Wellbeing department with a Mental Health Lead and Behaviour Lead who can offer additional support to pupils.
The school's SENDCos make sure your child receives the support they need and will meet with parents at their child’s Annual Review meeting.
Should you require further details please contact:
Claire Brooks (SENDCo i/c Years 7 and 8) or;
Katy Hunter (SENDCo i/c Years 9, 10 and 11)